Proprietorship to Limited Liability Partnership

Convert your business to an LLP to take advantage of restricted liability and additional perks.

*Subject To Change On Market Conditions

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Since there is just one person involved, a single proprietorship cannot be instantly changed into an LLP. Closing the proprietorship and starting over with an LLP registration are two options, as are adding a partner to the company before converting it to an LLP. It would be a new LLP Registration solely in any case.

Advantages of Conversion of Partnership firm to LLP

1. Capital Requirement

To create an LLP, no minimum capital is necessary. no demand for a minimum capital contribution. Even a total capital contribution of Rs. 1000 is sufficient to register it.

2. No Audit is required

No mandated audit is necessary for LLPs. Only when the company's turnover surpasses Rs. 40 lakhs and when the donation exceeds Rs. 25 lakhs is an audit necessary.


The introduction of a new Designated Partner makes it simple to transfer interest in an LLP. Changing a Designated Partner has no impact on the existence of the LLP because it is a distinct legal entity.

4. Separate Legal Entity

LLP benefits from Separate Legal Identity in the eyes of the law, which clearly establishes that the business's assets and liabilities are separate from those of the Partners.

5. Tax Benefits

It is also free from a number of taxes, including the minimum alternative tax and the tax on dividend distributions. Compared to a firm, a limited liability partnership pays less tax.

6. Multiple Relationships

A person may be a Limited Liability Partnership's partner, employee, or creditor. With the same person in several capacities, there are various contracts.

Documents Checklist

Documents Required for Conversion of Proprietorship to LLP

  • a picture of each Director.
  • PAN cards for each Director
  • All Directors’ IDs (driver’s licence, passport, voter ID)
  • Utility bills, such as an electricity bill, can serve as evidence of a registered office’s address.

An Indian address is required for a Limited Liability Partnership’s registered office. No document should be older than two months, including bank statements and utility bills. It is also necessary to produce a utility bill, a rent agreement or sale deed, and a No Objection Letter (NOC) from the landlord confirming permission to use the space as an LLP’s registered office.